Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Amanda's Halloween Playlist

You're probably sick of hearing Thriller too, huh?

I put together a playlist of my favorite tunes that get me in the mood for candy binge eating, acne breakouts from cheap face paint, and strangers all up n' on my property.

Hope you enjoy!

1. "Wolf Like Me" by TV on the Radio

2. "Little Ghosts" by The White Stripes

3. "Chrissy Kiss the Corpse" by Of Montreal 

4. "Heads Will Roll" by Yeah Yeah Yeahs

5. "Special Death" by Mirah

6. "Howlin' For You" by The Black Keys

7. "Lake of Fire" covered by Nirvana

8. "Girl Anachronism" by The Dresden Dolls

9. "People Are Strange" by The Doors

10. "Ghost Mountain" by The Unicorns

11. "Dead Man's Party" by Oingo Boingo

12. "Harold Weathervain" by Cursive

Dig any of the songs? Click on the song title and it'll take you to iTunes! What are your favorite Halloween songs? 

post by Amanda

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