Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Parade In Ashland

It might have been raining in Ashland but that didn't stop people from coming out and enjoying the Halloween parade. The kids were adorable as always and it's so much fun to see how creative people are. Click here to see more photos on our facebook  page. Have a safe and happy holiday everyone!

post and photos by Stacey

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Halloween Costume Ideas: Doggie Edition

Halloween is only 6 days away and I'm assuming you have a costume and plans for yourself, but is your best friend prepared? Nothing brings a smile to my face as quickly as a dog in a costume, so I encourage you to spend your hard earned money to help facilitate that. Here are some of my favorite dog costumes that I found - with links to purchase if you're interested.

"Pickles is my thing." -Snooki

"Listen, everyone is entitled to my opinion." -Madonna!

"I'm just a caveman! I fell on some ice, and later got thawed out by scientists." - Unfrozen Cave Dog

"Ain't no bidness like the ho bidness!" -P.I.M.P.

Welcome to Jurassic Park.

Yo quiero tacos, por favor! 

Ready are you for Yoda costume?

Because bacon!

"Dogs never bite me, just humans." -Marilyn Monroe

post by Amanda

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Amanda's Halloween Playlist

You're probably sick of hearing Thriller too, huh?

I put together a playlist of my favorite tunes that get me in the mood for candy binge eating, acne breakouts from cheap face paint, and strangers all up n' on my property.

Hope you enjoy!

1. "Wolf Like Me" by TV on the Radio

2. "Little Ghosts" by The White Stripes

3. "Chrissy Kiss the Corpse" by Of Montreal 

4. "Heads Will Roll" by Yeah Yeah Yeahs

5. "Special Death" by Mirah

6. "Howlin' For You" by The Black Keys

7. "Lake of Fire" covered by Nirvana

8. "Girl Anachronism" by The Dresden Dolls

9. "People Are Strange" by The Doors

10. "Ghost Mountain" by The Unicorns

11. "Dead Man's Party" by Oingo Boingo

12. "Harold Weathervain" by Cursive

Dig any of the songs? Click on the song title and it'll take you to iTunes! What are your favorite Halloween songs? 

post by Amanda

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Somebody Make Me: Spooky Scary Halloween Food

Ugh..can't believe I had the dumb idea of doing this week's blog on deliciously disgusting Halloween themed food.  I am so disturbed right now by some of the dishes I came across that I feel queasy. Kitty litter cake. Chocolate armpit hair. Dried scabs. The list goes on, but I'll refrain from sharing them.

That being said, here are some creepy cool recipes for your Halloween party that didn't make me sick to my stomach...

Severed hot dog fingers, huh? Well, yeah, that's pretty freaking gross, yet darn easy to make!

Leave it to Martha Stuart to have prosciutto represent cured epidermis. Such a classy witch!

This witches brew was concocted in Sin City at Fusion Bar, and looks like a glass of dark magic! I'll have 2 or 10, please.

Slimy worms on a bun. Guh-ross. I think it's kind of ironic that hot dogs are used to make some of the most disturbing Halloween know, because they're hot dogs...

Ladies and gents, I give you: MEAT HAND! The onion nails and wrist bone, and the burnt cheese on top really take this idea to the next level. 

Alright, alright, I guess I'll share one of the super gross ideas I found. Saucy's Sprinkles blog had a page full of 'em. Click HERE if you're interested in booger bits, earwax on a swab, or used bandages.

So, I helped you with shoes, costumes, and now food. Someone better do something nice for me soon.

post by Amanda
top photo courtesy of

Thursday, October 04, 2012

We Have Shoes For Your Halloween Costume!

It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the dark.
Under the moonlight, you see a sight that almost stops your heart.
You try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make it.
You start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes; you're paralyzed.

Halloween is quickly approaching! If you don't have a clue what you're going to wear, we're here to help with some costume ideas paired with some of our shoes that would match perfectly!

What footwear do you see at Village Shoes that will pair wonderfully with your costume? 

"Thriller" lyrics by Michael Jackson
Costume photos provided by
Post by Amanda