Thursday, January 12, 2012

Halle & Amanda Do Lunch

Working in a store downtown means lots of eating downtown. I, along with most of the other girls I work with are too lazy in the mornings to get up and make a lunch, so we find ourselves eating out a lot. Halle and I decided to list the restaurants we frequent and what our favorite item is from the lunch menu. Halle is a vegetarian, so all of her selections are obviously meatless. Many of the restaurants use local and organic products, which most people in Ashland care about, but I don't, like, not at all. All I really care about when ordering lunch locally is that they're quick about making it. Us Village Shoes employees are running up and down stairs ALL DAY, so by the time lunch rolls around, I'm ravenous with hunger and I really don't have the patience to wait too long. Since I'm walking to pick it up, I typically call in the order in advance so I actually get to lunch on my lunch break, as opposed to waiting for food for the majority of it.

Halle and I think that if you haven't had our lunch picks yet, you're missing out...


H- Wendy Burrito

A- Riley’s Cheese Steak


H- Verduras Asadas Tacos

A- Carne Asadas Tacos and Ceviche

Pasta Piatti:

H- Ravioli Di Zucca

A- Chicken Parmigiana


H- Gimme The Greek

A- Mushrooms Wild with extra chevre


H- Crispy Eggplant

A- Shaking Beef

Great American Pizza Company:

H- Eggplant Ricotta Pizza

A- Dijon Chicken Pizza


H- Yaki Udon with tofu

A- J Pop (appetizer), and the Mongolian Beef.


H-Nuevo Roll Ups

A-Chicken Burrito

Ashland Co-Op:

H- Sesame Tofu/ Garlic Lover’s Pasta Salad/ Sesame Emerald Kale

A- Turkey Feta Spinach Meatloaf/ Enchiladas/ Mac & Cheese/ Fog City

Macaroni Salad

Water Street Café:

H- Café Cup

A- Café Cup, no beans, add chicken

So, Ashlanders, what are your favorite spots to eat? And what can't you live without from their menu?

photo courtesy of Sammo

post by Amanda

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Some delicious things mentioned! Although I avoid the J-pops for their after-effect on my system. J-pop burbs are stinky! My favorite at Agave is the carnitas taco. Seriously amazing. Love the list, I've got some new things to try.
