Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Reluctantly Resolving Our Issues with Resolutions

January 1st is approaching, and with that, we pull out a piece of paper and a pen and write down our goals for the new year. I asked the Village Shoes girls to tell me what their new year’s resolutions are, and oddly enough, everyone said in 2012 they want to work out more. Um…am I the only one who considers running up and down the stairs at work all day working out? WE WORK OUT PLENTY!

Besides working out, here are our resolutions:


1. Save money out of every paycheck

2. Read more books


1. Save money to travel

2. Eat healthier


1. Stay true to Paleo Diet

2. Drink more water


1. Be more involved in the community

2. Walk to work more


1. Get more sleep

2. Read more books for fun

The odds of me eating healthier are slim to none, but it looks good on paper, so who knows. Wish us luck with our 2012 resolutions. What are yours? Do you think you’re going to stick to them, or are you a lot like me? Regardless, I hope everyone got a nice smooch on the lips at midnight that started off 2012 the right way.

post by Amanda

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Cute blog! Thanks for sharing! :-) Amy
