Thursday, January 08, 2015

Resolution Reevaluation

It's inventory week at Village Shoes, so we're all busy counting away. This week, our post will be short and sweet. See you next week!


One week into the New Year, and I haven't woken up early once.


Whereas I don't want to call one of my New Years resolutions a bust already, it might be time.

It turns out, after a little self-evaluation, that both enjoying my late evenings and getting enough sleep are more important to me than forcing myself awake at 7 am.

It's particularly easy during the New Year to get caught up in pursuing the idea  of someone rather than the reality of yourself.

So, only a week in, I think I'll make a few edits to the list:

This year, I'd like to pursue positive improvements to my life while avoiding guilt and struggle.

So, I won't be waking up early (too much struggle), but I will start taking yoga courses (without feeling guilt about the cost).

Rather than getting caught up in the idea that you have to suffer to create change, embrace joy and happiness. Be gentler with yourself.

Make 2015 your best year ever.


Jessie and the Village Shoes team

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