Thursday, February 09, 2012

Shoes We Won't Be Carrying in 2012. Or 2013. Or Ever.

I think it's safe to say that the average woman is drawn to shoes that stand out. We all want to feel as if we're not wearing the same shoes as every other chick out there, so we buy shoes that are fun in color, or creative in design to give some pizzazz to our otherwise typical, everyday outfit. That being said, some women want to wear hooves on their feet to add a fun flair to their garb. Some women would have a high heel surgically implanted in their foot, and some women want a pump with the platform shaped like a hamburger. If you are that woman, I'm sorry to say to say that you'll hate our store because we won't ever be carrying the following:

These hoofers are perfect for a trip to the petting zoo.

Our FB fan Ryan Chaney referred to these as 'Lawn Aerators'.

I'm wearing these to the Sandwich Festival in Albuquerque this year.


Sorry, babies, no "heels" for you either.

A cloven hoof for the wicked westerner (or "southerner").

Heels to match Grandma's walker.

No comment other than this picture gives me gas.

SCUBA is now an acronym for Seriously Clever Unsightly Barf-inducing Accoutrement.

Perfect for standing on top of a camel or over anthills.

I hope I don't lose too many customers over this post. Wink!

post by Amanda
images via google search 'ugly shoes & funny shoes'


  1. OMG. They are so ugly that one has to love them...

  2. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Do you know what the first shoes pictured are called? I've seen them in a virtual world store before...

  3. Hey, the first shoes are from Portal, right?

  4. Good think. Everyone wants to buy a shoe cleaner for cleaning his shoe easily and also me. Have you any product like this?
