Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Taste Testing Starbuck's Hot Cocoa

Now that the weather has turned cold (or depending on your location, “colder”), we are switching to hot drinks. Like many of you, hot chocolate never crosses my mind during the spring or summer, but as soon as a chilly fall breeze swirls my hair around, I find myself craving it. I’m an adult…I should want hot tea or a hot toddy, but no…I want hot chocolate. I like to think of myself as a Nestle’s Mini Marshmallow kinda gal, but you know, since I’m a fancy adult, I think I should try Starbuck’s Hot Cocoa that they recently rolled out with. They have various flavors to choose from such as Salted Caramel, Peppermint, Double Chocolate, and last but not least, the classic, Toasted Marshmallow. Is there a drink accoutrement more exciting than marshmallows? I think not. Actually, hot chocolate with money floating around would be pretty exciting, but until that day, marshmallows earn gold stars.

I decided to put Starbuck’s Toasted Marshmallow hot chocolate to the test. Furthermore, I decided that the rest of the Village Shoes gals should put their two-cents in as well.

Halle, Molly, and I used whole milk and Stacey used almond milk that we purchased steamed at our local coffee shop, Evo’s.

Here are a few of the comments made while sipping the hot chocolate…

“The marshmallows don’t taste toasted.”

“This is a lot of mix for 8oz of milk.”

“This is definitely on the sweet side.”

“These marshmallows are large, but they’re hard and chewy.”

“Maybe use extra milk if you don’t want it to be too sweet.”

“This is super rich and creamy.”

“Almond milk is great to use to keep it vegan since there is no milk in the mix and it tastes f*@#ing good.”

“I’m surprised by the marshmallows because they have the texture of toasted marshmallows.”

Overall, we all agree that it’s better than any of the other hot chocolate packets we’ve had in the past. Give Starbuck’s Hot Cocoa mix a go and let us know what you think.

post by Amanda


  1. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Thanks for sharing, I've been tempted to try starbucks hot cocoa for some time, now I think I will!! Teresa :)

  2. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Craving some hot cocoa now...I'll definitely try it!
