Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Make That Shoe Fit!

Amanda here! I’ve decided to come out to the world about a little problem that has been plaguing me for years: my left foot is a half size smaller than my right. There. I said it. A size 6 shoe fits wonderfully on my right foot, however not so much on my left. My left foot prefers to be adorned by a size 5.5. Who knew? I didn’t until I measured my foot using one of those nifty foot measuring contraptions (technically referred to as the ‘Brannock Device’) that can be found in any shoe department/store, and it all became clear to me. I’ve always had a hard time keeping a size 6 shoe (heels, especially) on my left foot. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to walk in a 4 inch platform pump that wants to fall off your foot? It’s awful! However, there is an easy solution: Foot Petals!

Foot sliding forward in sandals: Does your foot push forward leaving a huge gap in the back and your toes hanging ten? Try Tip Toes made by Foot Petals. They’ll stop your feet from sliding forward and also provide a little extra cushion for the ball of your foot, which is extra nice in higher heels that lack a supportive foot-bed.

Foot slips out of the back of a heel: Try Heavenly Heelz made by Foot Petals. By inserting this cushion higher up on the back-of-heel area, it’ll keep your heel from sliding out and provide an extra cushion. This cushion can also be used on the inside of shoes with straps that are too big. They’ll take up extra space and prevent friction.

Overall snugger fit: Use Killer Kushionz by Foot Petals. It’s a full insole that adds overall support, stops feet from sliding forward, and will give you a slight lift in your shoe which could prevent awkward ankle rubbing on some shoes. Killer Kushionz can be teamed up with Heavenly Heelz, and can help make a shoe fit that would not without it!

With these three products made by Foot Petals, I have been able to make many of my heels fit wonderfully that otherwise would not. Keep these products in mind before you completely write off an awesome pair of shoes!

Photo courtesy of Eva K. Salvi.