Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Pretty Darn Cute.

I cleaned out my sock drawer recently, and was surprised to discover how many of my old favorites have gotten a little too much love. Mostly in the big toe area. Too bad I can't even sew a button! A little research proves that darning your own socks isn't quite as difficult as I thought, and once you know how, your reinforced favorite argyles are back in rotation!

The other night, while crafting away with VS employee Kerry Alonzo, we got to talking about knitting or crocheting one's own stocking. Turns out there are about a million ways to go about it, from simple stitches to complex knits. Instructions to various stockings can easily be found on the Internet. Shown above are socks of different sizes made by Miss Alonzo, who also made the felted bag seen in the background. Although Kerry makes it look easy, knitting while watching Julia Child hack up about a hundred different sea creatures for Bouillabaisse, I think I'll stick with simple mending...

Posted by Risa R.

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