Wednesday, December 02, 2009

A special goodbye from Sigrid...

It’s Been A Great Ride
-by Sigrid Strebe

Dear Friends and Sole Mates,

It’s been a great ride and now I’m at the station for my next destination.

It is with a mixture of sadness and joy that I am passing the Village Shoes torch to Stacey. She recently purchased Village Shoes and is well prepared to bring the same great service, shoes and accessories you have come to love over the years.

Stacey has been with me from the beginning and loves the store as much as I do. She has been tending to it’s every need for awhile now. She is a strong, beautiful and very capable woman and it will do your heart good to be in her presence. Good Luck Stacey.

My next destination on this ride of life is Minnesota. I am filled with more joy than I ever thought possible. I am teaching yoga, married to a kind and loving man and spending more time with my son. Be careful what you dream, it could come true.

Thank you to all my friends and sole mates that have made the last seven years so great. I miss you all and loved sharing the joy a great pair of shoes can bring. If you ever make it Minneapolis, look me up and I’ll show around our beautiful city.

May love, peace and prosperity follow you everywhere,


1 comment:

  1. Love and miss you Siggy...Maybe when I'm back in Ohio sometime soon hopefully I'll look you up and we'll go shoe shopping and show em' a thing or two!

    Muah! The Village people of Ashland Love you!

