Sunday, November 15, 2009

Pleasure and Meaning: Joan Hornig Jewelry

At this time of the year, we are reminded of the importance of giving back. We are encouraged to be thankful for the things we have and to share our good fortune. I recently discovered an article about a jewelry designer named Joan Hornig that really drove this message home.

"In 2003, Joan developed a way to encourage others to join her in support of educational and other philanthropic initiatives. Her model of giving 100% of the profits on each piece of jewelry sold to the purchaser's charity of choice challenges women to use beauty and fashion in a new way.

Those choosing to purchase Joan Hornig designs are meant to derive pleasure not only from the jewelry, but also from the meaning of giving back. All profits from each item are donated to charity. Purchasers are able to direct the donation to a charity of their choice."

Not only is her jewelry exquisite and stunning, it's something you can feel good about splurging on. "Make a statement, make a difference." This is her motto. What an empowering message and way to be. Thank you Joan for setting a beautiful example.

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