Thursday, June 18, 2009

MBT's Extraordinary Help With Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar what? you might be asking."Plantar Fasciitis is the most common condition of heel pain. This condition occurs when the plantar fascia ligament along the bottom of the foot develops tears in the tissue resulting in pain and inflammation. The pain of plantar fasciitis is usually located in the heel bone."

"There are a number of causes. The plantar fascia ligament is like a rubber band and loosens and contracts with movement. It also absorbs significant weight and pressure. Because of this function, plantar fasciitis can easily occur from a number of reasons. Among the most common is an overload of physical activity or exercise. Athletes are particularly prone to plantar fasciitis and commonly suffer from it. Excessive running, jumping, or other activities can easily place repetitive or excessive stress on the tissue and lead to tears and inflammation, resulting in moderate to severe pain. Among the most popular factors that contribute to plantar fasciitis is wearing incorrect shoes. In many cases, shoes either do not fit properly, or provide inadequate support or cushioning. While walking or exercising in improper shoes, weight distribution becomes impaired, and significantly stress can be added to the plantar fascia ligament."

Here's where MBT Shoes come into play. "Most foot problems today result from inadequate neuromuscular control and movement patterns. Conventional shoes support and cushion. The muscular system is not stimulated and forgets its function. The consequences of a loss of muscular function can be flat, spread or splayfeet. Hallux valgus, plantar fasciitis and heel spurs can also be caused, in part, by incorrect footwear."

"The MBT sole is constructed to create a natural instability. The Masai Sensor is the first obstacle: landing is soft and feels uncertain. The sensomotor system quickly reacts with the appropriate muscle activity, so that the foot joints are actively stabilised. The foot then rolls over the balancing section towards the toes. The active stability is maintained and the foot can roll off physiologically. Control over the rolling movement changes the stresses and strains on the foot. Increased muscle activity relieves the foot joints."

"Treatment for plantar fasciitis should begin with rest, icing, proper footwear and in some cases over the counter medications. Physical therapy has also become a common option. With this conservative treatment alternative, a physical therapist designs a set of exercises that are intended to address your specific needs in order to promote healing."

For more information on Plantar Fasciitis you can go to:

For more information about MBT Shoes:

To shop for MBT's, or if you have further questions:

1 comment:

  1. nice guide! thank you!/I love it ! Very creative ! That's actually really cool Thanks.
    Plantar Fasciitis Treatment
