Friday, January 16, 2009

Enter To Win A Free Pair Of MBT Shoes!

It's 2009, the New Year and so many of us aspire to make resolutions that seem to just fall away eventually. The most important thing we can do is take care of ourselves. Eat right and exercise is the age old motto. This year we want to help you make that heppen. Join us in celebrating health and fitness! Enter our MBT Give-A-Way Challenge and Win A Free pair of MBT Shoes!

MBT would like to help people all over the world lead healthier and better lives. Because it is scientifically proven that our health (physical and mental) is significantly influenced by the way we walk and our footwear choices, MBT strives to make walking better with less impact on our bodies... which allows for more impact on our imagination and spirits.

Place any order online at Village Shoes with a comment on Why You Walk, make a purchase in-store or sign up for solemates now through February 5th and you'll automatically be entered. It's that simple!

Enter to win! One lucky winner will receive a Free Pair of MBT's this spring! Join our challenge and live a healthier and more active life!


  1. I arrived in the US 2 and half years ago. I gave up smoking on that very day. July 3rd 2006.
    I have gained weight.
    I am now in training for walking the Portland Marathon.
    This is my year to be in shape. I have had two years of wobbling round my new US town, and enough is enough!!
    Watch out Portland, here I come!

  2. In 2009, i'm adding to my fitness goals. Thusfar, I've lost about 50 lbs but I am not as toned as I'd like to be. I'm starting a strength training and power walking program now. I've heard alot of great things about mbt's but they're out of my price range at the moment. This, for me, is a Great giveaway! I hope i'm chosen as the lucky winner. I signedup for soulmates.
