Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Come What May

Studio Mela

Hand made art that has captured my spirit! There are so many pieces I like I can't just pick one... but I think this one might just be my favorite. Whimsical and happy these prints are a great way to ad art into your life without breaking the bank.

"Come What May" is a Limited Edition 8x10 print of an original ink illustration and mixed media piece. I love this body of work!
Only $20 at etsy.com

Happy New Year! It's 2009 and I can't believe another year has flown by. This year I encourage everyone to live your best life, as Oprah would say. Do the things today that you're always putting off until tomorrow. Make a resolution that will actually stick. That's my goal for this coming year. My resolution is to take care of myself. Eat healthy, exercise, drink plenty of water and keep a positive attitude.

What's your 2009 resolution?
We'd love to hear from you.

Post by Stacey

1 comment:

  1. I remember moon boots too, dating me as well. Never owned a pair though. Southern California had less call for it.

    New years 2009! Happy and healthy starts for the new year for all. I have started eating well and smiling more.
