Sunday, November 09, 2008

To Belt or Not to Belt.... We have a Winner!

Hi there...We have a winner!! Thank you jdh for commenting on your belting preferences....and because you were our only, best, and most wonderfulest reader.. you've won the beeee-youtiful belt pictured below! Please e-mail us at: and we'll send it out to you pronto.

Thanks for participating and HEY FOLKS!! Next time I want to see Lots more comments! :-) Lovies... J.

Hi all my favorite shoe junkies...

For those who were expecting a contest or give-away sincere apologies. I was attacked by a wicked virus. It got me down in a headlock, and several noogies later I'm almost back to better. 'Tis the season for it I guess..but still when it feels like jackhammers are drilling in your head, a volcano has taken up residence in your throat and and just generally feel takes a toll on your creativity, and mine was near the bottom of the meter for most of the week. nice side effect of being sick?? It makes you need a belt for your favorite jeans. If you gotta be sick, you might as well lose a few pounds while you're at it!! :-)

And which one do I choose? Just something to hold 'em up? OR make it a style choice by choosing something with a great buckle. hmmmmmm. Choices, Choices. My favorite Village has a several awesome belts right now.

Here's the line up:

Well, Well, Well.....
These are all so pretty...They'd look fabulous with a nice Jean Trouser and a new pair of boots! Ohhh..yes....booooooots. And we just got some amazing new boots in. And Turquoise? I love the look of turquoise...Whatever shall I do? Well I think I like the turquoise one the best....yes, definitely that's the ticket!

Now all my fine fellow Villagers...Why do YOU wear a belt? Is it mostly just a fashion statement...with the biggest, flashiest, "blingiest" buckle you can handle? Or is it something you use for function only and it could be just a plain piece of wouldn't care as long as it prevented you from resembling your favorite plumber.. (no offence Joe..) :-D

So...which is it my friends? Tell us your belting preferences by leaving a comment on this blog. AND..because we love you and you mean so much to us.. We'll choose one of y'alls comments at random and give you a FABULOUS turquoise belt too, FREE!

Free's good, we can all use free!

So we can all be seriously belted and stylish at the same time...Whadday think? Sound good?
OK then....Let the commenting begin. Please be nice and only one comment per person though. Let's see how many comments we have by Wednesday 4pm Pacific Time and we'll pick a winner then. Good Luck Everyone...

I hope that this is just the start of a great give-away tradition here at the come on by and check us out often!



  1. Little bit of both, really - function comes into play for some pairs of jeans, but other times it's merely to pull an outfit together. Love the belts that are a little bit different, but without too much bling. The ones on the post are gorgeous!

  2. JDH- You Won! That wasn't hard to guess. Email me your contact info at:
    and we'll send you your belt!

    Thanks for playing along with us!

    Village Shoes

  3. Yay, thanks so much! I'll send an email with the info!
