Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Cake anyone?

Hi all my favorite shoe loving fellow Villagers...

I've a confession to make...My name is Jody, and ...and I love shoes.
Whew!! OK..the hard part is over, I've admitted it and we can all move on in our 12 step program together. What? There is no 12 step program, you say?

Well that explains a lot! :-)

I'll be using this soapy platform to wax eloquent about the state of all things shoe related, life related, Village-shoes related and whatever else tickles my fancy. When one of my favorite Village People asked if I'd mind writing a few things here.. I all but jumped at the chance. So don't mind me if I upload funny things, "wow" things, and a few off-the-wall things here..

Hope you like my ramblings...as I really like to talk about shoes. Have for years (ask my mom, she shook her head when at age 4, I asked her to draw high-heels for me to color) Sigh...I think she's still shaking her head.

I've been thinking a lot about cake recently... (don't ask...it's a long story). There've been some great late night TV shows about bakeries making these fabulous cakes. As an artist I love all artforms and these creations are just so amazing they completely are out of my creative realm. A friend sent me a link to a hilarious site called cake wrecks, and after cringing, laughing, crying, and groaning at what was before me, I wondered .."tching, tching" Has anyone ever tried to make a shoe cake?

Behold..."The Uncommon Cake"

I found this beauty by an amazing woman who has an interest close to my heart! Shoes!! Check out her stuff on-line: http://www.theuncommoncake.com/ She has some great flip-flop and pump cookies too! Now that's what I call art!

Now...does it come in 8-1/2??
Oh never mind...just hand me a fork!

Smiles, Jody

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