Thursday, May 29, 2008

Discarded to Divine-Eco Fashion Show

Check out our latest find... the Discarded to Divine Eco- Fashion show. Donated clothes transformed into one-of-a-kind couture creations auctioned to help the poor and homeless.

In 2005, while sifting through a pile of donated clothing and deciding what to do with the growing pile of unusable, torn or stained items, St. Vincent de Paul Society Help Desk director Sally Rosen's thoughts turned to recycling. She thought of how these discarded garments could be transformed into something renewed and useful. It reminded her of the hundreds of homeless and poor men and women who seek help from the St. Vincent de Paul Society every week, who are also overlooked by many, considered useless or unnecessary. At the St. Vincent de Paul Society, we strive to serve every individual who comes through our doors with dignity and respect, no matter where they stand in their life's journey. We work with them one-on-one to help them in so many ways, so they can begin to transform their lives. Read More...

1 comment:

  1. Hey this would be a great idea for Project Runway if they haven't done it already.
