Friday, May 30, 2008

Kumfs On Sale- Only $50 !!!!!

OK ladies... All Kumfs are now marked down to Only $50 a pair. Now is your time to save. Grab them before they are gone!

Designed in New Zealand. Kumfs was founded by two enterprising podiatrists. They use POLYURETHANE soles because it is light, flexible, slip resistant, hard wearing, and stable.

To see more details about the make of their shoes check out the Kumfs website.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Soles United- Recycle Donation Program

Soles United is a recycled footwear donation program. Give back your worn-out crocs shoes to be recycled into new shoes and they are donated to people in need around the world. Watch the short video clip that explains how it's done. You'll be inspired to take the next step.


That's right ladies, Sex & The City is finally back and better than ever.  Did you hear that tickets are already sold out for the weekend in New York?!?!  Carrie and the gang are still the buzz...who are you most like?  If you haven't done it already, now is the perfect time to get all dressed up and and go for cocktails and a movie with your best girls....I know who I'm calling.

Discarded to Divine-Eco Fashion Show

Check out our latest find... the Discarded to Divine Eco- Fashion show. Donated clothes transformed into one-of-a-kind couture creations auctioned to help the poor and homeless.

In 2005, while sifting through a pile of donated clothing and deciding what to do with the growing pile of unusable, torn or stained items, St. Vincent de Paul Society Help Desk director Sally Rosen's thoughts turned to recycling. She thought of how these discarded garments could be transformed into something renewed and useful. It reminded her of the hundreds of homeless and poor men and women who seek help from the St. Vincent de Paul Society every week, who are also overlooked by many, considered useless or unnecessary. At the St. Vincent de Paul Society, we strive to serve every individual who comes through our doors with dignity and respect, no matter where they stand in their life's journey. We work with them one-on-one to help them in so many ways, so they can begin to transform their lives. Read More...

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Paolo Nutini - New Shoes

New Shoes

This should be our theme song. Check out the latest video on You Tube! Maybe we can get him to come to Ashland and perform.

Set your watches ladies! Sex and the City Movie will be out in theaters May 30th. Can't wait to see what they're wearing!

Foot Petals Amazing Arches

Amazing Arches are our newest product by Foot Petals. They support your arches and give your shoes the perfect fit. They work with the body's natural shock absorption system to reduce "foot fatigue." Help prevent calluses from forming, protect bones and tissue, reduce back pain. Virtually invisible - works with sexy flats, and high heels. One size fits fabulously! $7 per pair. Worth every penny in our opinion.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Become a more Eco Friendly Shopper

Want to learn how to become a more Eco-Friendly Shopper? Here are 4 easy tips to get you started:

1.) Say NO to a Shopping Bag
2.) Carry a reusable tote or purchase one. Check out Get Hip Get Green
Every bag you purchase contributes a donation to The Green Ambassadors, a youth environmental group. (You'll be able to purchase these in our store for only $6 starting in June.)
3.) Recycle your shoe boxes.
4.) Check out one of my favorite new finds: Gorgeously Green
This website is a great source of information on how to begin with tips for every aspect of your life.