Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Share something special this Thanksgiving!

Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is the following of that impulse. - Henry Van Dyke 
The 1621 Plymouth feast and thanksgiving was prompted by a good harvest. With the holidays approaching we thought what better time to share a couple of our favorite recipes with family and friends.
 We think these recipes are delicious and too good not to share. The people you share them with will be so grateful you took the time and effort to bring these to the holiday table. After all, gratitude is what Thanksgiving is all about. Sharing something simple with those we love is the most meaningful part of our lives. 

Apple Walnut Tart with Maple Custard

Photo Credit: Nancy of GottaGetBaked.com. http://bit.ly/1asA1WY
Can you believe this is gluten free?
Your guests will be wowed by this gorgeous apple tart of roses, with a toasty walnut crust and a silky sweet maple custard filling. Author: Allie, Baking A Moment. For a list of ingredients and detailed instructions go to: http://bit.ly/1asA1WY

Butter Flaky Pie Crust
My family has used this recipe for generations. The flaky texture makes for great decorating dough. Because it melts in your mouth, this is one your guests won't let you forget! For full recipe instructions and video go to http://bit.ly/I3RMTd.

Dark Chocolate Dipped Blood Oranges
 Brighten up the night with these delicate chocolate dipped oranges. A rich desert on a small budget. For recipe details please go to: http://bit.ly/1fFdqYY 

Add something extra to your table!
Inspired by the harvest season we thought we'd also show you a beautiful table centerpiece idea that will embellish your table with contrast and texture from what we have been provided with right outside.     
 The sound of crisp autumn leaves, the first winter freeze, the crystallized blades of grass left over from the morning frost, the seasons harmoniously changing; this is Thanksgiving to me.

What will you share this Thanksgiving?